High-performance library characterisation tool that generates accurate Liberty and Verilog/VHDL models for a wide variety of cells including: standard, multi-bit, and I/Os. The tool supports complex stimulus creation and measurement methods, as well as versatile control of output model syntax.
- High throughput with fast runtime & multi-simulation job control
- Native integration with AFS & Eldo for high performance
- Highly scalable architecture, parallelizable up to 1000’s of CPUs
- Dynamic resource scheduling for on-the-fly modification of CPU resource pool size
- Disk I/O optimized for improved data storage utilization
- Fast & accurate LVF for timing, power, & constraints with full SPICE accuracy
- Supports LVF Moments for nonGaussian distributions
- Re-characterization flow adds new functions to existing libraries or creates new libraries
- Accounts for changes in process models, cell layouts, & SPICE models
- Liberty, Verilog, and VHDL/VITAL models
- NLDM and CCS timing, power & noise, and state-dependent models
- LVF and Moments
- IBIS model generation, and validation