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Example: Loading EZWave calculator results in Tanner Designer

Published by Khalid Teama – Latest update on 14/10/2021

ID: TN021
Relevant product(s): S-Edit, Tanner Designer, EZWave
Operating systems: Linux or Windows
Versions affected: Tanner tools 2021.2 and above
Relevant area(s): Usage / Automation


This tech note uses an example to show how to feedback EZWave calculator results back into Tanner Designer and S-Edit.


The EZWave calculator is capable of using user-defined functions written in Python, taking advantage of the ability to access returned data using Python dictionaries.

This tech note uses a function to perform spectrum measurement over a transient signal, and the end result would be the ability to access the values of the returned data using Python dictionaries in S-Edit, and therefore in Tanner Designer.


  1. User-defined function for the EZWave calculator
  2. Circuit testbench


Please download the example provided in the attachments to follow the steps in this tech note.

EZWave setup

  1. Open the Python script “spec_meas.py” in a text editor to examine its contents. The script defines a function called “spectrum_meas”, which returns the result of a spectrum measurement operation in the form of dictionary. The function we are processing is called “vsig” and each parameter of the measurement is prepended with the parameter name and an ‘=’ sign. E.g. maximum frequency is “f_max”
  2. Place the script from step 1 above in a folder that can be seen by EZWave and invoke EZWave and the Waveform Calculator  
  1. Once the Waveform Calculator is opened, go to “Edit menu > Options > Waveform Calculator > General”, and enable option “Load User Extension Files At Startup”, pointing the “Directory path” to the folder where the script above was placed in Step 2

4. Close the Waveform Calculator and EZWave

S-Edit setup

  1. Open the design under “TD_EZWAVE” in S-Edit, and ensure the cell “tb_spectrum” is open, this is the testbench cell
  2. Go to Setup menu > Simulation, and navigate to the “Results” pane on the left. The below screenshot explains the setup
  1. Hit ‘Run Simulation’ to see how this works in EZWave and to generate some results

Tanner Designer setup

Please start Tanner Designer and follow these steps:

  1. Select the “New” button from the top panel to create a new aggregation folder setting and hit OK:

Choose aggregation folder to open = the “SimulationResults” in the provided example (TD_EZWAVE\tc\SimulationResults)

Output to Excel workbook file [Optional] = path to a new spreadsheet for this aggregation

  1. Once the results have been read, you should be able to see their details in Tanner Designer and inside the Excel sheet created

Useful references



Example attached here: https://we.tl/t-l8zFs5gNB0