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Importing Spectre testbench settings in S-Edit

ID: TN006
Relevant product(s): S-Edit
Operating systems: Windows or Linux
Versions affected: 2018.x revisions and above
Relevant area(s): Usage / Automation


Spectre stores the simulation settings as “state” files within the design directory. It is possible to import these files into design in S-Edit to restore the testbench’s simulation settings. Note this facility is a test feature in S-Edit and may not yield 100% success rate. Manual configuration and inspection of the outcome is to be expected.

This stage of porting the testbenches over into S-Edit can be done before or after you have mapped over your testbench components to S-Edit’s standard libraries. Please use the tech note here to learn how to map your testbench elements into S-Edit’s standard libraries.

Prerequisites for importing Spectre testbench settings into S-Edit

  • Possession of Spectre state files, which can be acquired from the Spectre testbench folder under the OpenAccess design directory
  • OpenAccess library containing the testbench schematic


Spectre state files can be imported into testbench designs in S-Edit using the following TCL command:

test adestate -help

Ensure design is backed-up before attempting this command.

The command allows the user to import Spectre states from a directory or as a single file, while also allowing control of the testbench name and scope of the import process.

Execute the command in the S-Edit command window (View menu > Docking Views > Command Window): open the design and the testbench cell .

This example imports all state files in the directory “spectre_state1” under a testbench named “Spectre_Import” into your testbench cell in S-Edit:

test adestate -dir "I:\\spectre_state1" -testbench Spectre_Import

These screen shots show settings and parameters are imported into the testbench “Spectre_Import”.

Command argument “-all” imports all state files found in the specified directory and all sub-directories recursively.

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