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Error UI150 when using “insert_spare_cells_single_domain” in Nitro P&R

Published by Khalid Teama – Latest update: 10/03/2022

ID: TN029
Relevant product(s): Nitro
Operating systems: RHEL 7/8
Versions affected: 2020.2.R1 and below
Relevant area(s): Design


The command “util::insert_spare_cells_single_domain” is part of the Nitro utilities package and it is used to insert spare cells to a design and ties off inputs. Users may encounter the following error when using this command:

error UI150: Command 'create_cell' execution failed: Cell0: cell already exists. 


The above issue can be resolved by patching the utility file in the Nitro installation directory with the patch in the attachment section.

Please use the following commands to apply the patch using the Linux bash terminal:

#Change directory to Nitro's TCL directory:
cd nitro/utils/tcl  

#Apply the patch file:
patch -b -u insert_spare_cell_single_domain.tcl -i <your-path-to-patch>/patch_spare_cells.txt
